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CLAIR-Centered Communications

exists because I saw a need to help others move beyond their rationalizing mind's chatter and reconnect with their clearest internal expression of YES and NO. Once we’re in that zone, we expand the CLAIR playing field and reignite our inner trust.

Most likely, you fall somewhere on the CLAIR intuition spectrum between, "Oh, but I don’t have an intuitive bone in my body!" and "I feel overwhelmed by other people’s energies bombarding me!"

As a Sovereign Being, you have the right to expand, trust, and protect your innate knowing.


Image by Johannes Plenio

Because intuition is our birthright. It exists to keep us safe, alive, aligned and moving towards our Soul’s evolutionary path if we recognize it, disentangle it from our rational mind, and learn to control its parameters. The Universe leaves a trail of breadcrumbs for each of us to follow . . . IF we follow our gut, which isn't always what we do! When we routinely outsource or ignore our inner guidance system (Hello, AI!), we move towards someone else’s highest and greatest good—and that may or may not align with our own Soul’s path. Embrace your inner awareness and inform your own decisions.

The last time I chose NOT to listen to my intuition I was very seriously injured and spent more than two years recovering. Now THAT was a giant freaking breadcrumb that I ignored!

If you are ready to expand and separate "I Think I Know" into I THINK and I KNOW, you are in the right place. If you are ready to invest in and trust yourSELF you are in the right place. If you are ready to do serious Soul work and explore avenues into your Soul’s consciousness, CLAIR-Centered Communications is here for you. (If you just like hanging out on my site, that’s cool, too.)   

Chris Boland
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